Cason. - Divisional News

Parties should periodically check the Magistrate Divisional News for updates.


Judicial Review Hearings in Divisions JO, JL, JM and JK

Zoom Meeting Information

To appear by video:

Meeting Link: Zoom Link

Meeting ID: 821 3909 8859

To appear by phone:

Dial by your location:

  • US Toll-free 877-853-5257
  • US Toll-free 888-475-4499

Meeting ID: 821 3909 8859

When joining the Zoom meeting, all parties will be placed in a waiting room until admitted into the hearing by the General Magistrate.

This static Zoom information should be included in all Notices of Hearings, Orders Setting Hearings filed with the Court, and Orders to Transport.

It is incumbent upon each counsel of record to calendar each hearing and appear on the scheduled date and time, as no other email notifications/Zoom links will be sent by this office.

  • Counsel is responsible for providing the Zoom information to any other attorney who is covering a hearing on counsel's behalf in advance of the hearing.
  • Counsel is responsible for providing the Zoom information to their clients in advance of the hearing.