As of June 1, 2020 UMC hearings shall be conducted Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday at 8:45 am. All UMC hearings shall be scheduled in the OLS system, and conducted via the Zoom
- UMC hearings must be scheduled in OLS prior to contacting the judicial assistant.
- Once you have scheduled in OLS, email and request a Zoom link.
- You must upload via OLS all proposed orders. If there are attachments, you must submit the proposed order with the attachment (s) via OLS. DO NOT USE E-COURTESY.
Please contact the JA via EMAIL for a Zoom ID and Zoom password. Each hearing has a new Zoom ID and password. Please include the date and time you have scheduled UMC. Include the pleading that will be heard, along with the case name. Please allow time for a response to the email. You do not have to call the office.
You will then prepare the Notice of Hearing with the Zoom ID and Password included.
Please send a copy of the Notice of Hearing to the Divisional E-Mail address. (
When requesting trial dates, please file a notice of unavailability prior to the request. You may email the trial request, along with the conflicts to the divisional email. A trial date will then be set by the JA, and order setting trial prepared by the JA.
Uncontested Final Hearings for Dissolution of Marriage may be heard during UMC (please see above for instructions on scheduling UMC Hearings). You must upload any proposed order(s) via OLS. Proposed Final Judgements' must be in Word format with supporting documents (Marital Settlement Agreement, Parenting Plan, Child Support Guidelines, etc.) attached to the Proposed Final Judgement. Supporting documents may be attached in PDF format. As a reminder, please do not use e-courtesy.
In addition to the foregoing and in compliance with Florida law, you must provide a legible scanned copy of the Petitioner's photo I.D. (and the Respondent's if a Simplified Dissolution Petition was filed) demonstrating proof of Florida residency for at least six months prior to the filing of the Petition.
If appearing telephonically (without video), the testifying party must be in the presence of a notary or an attorney who can certify their identity. If appearing by Zoom video conference, the Court shall act as notary.
You must provide the Court with a Notice of Unavailability, along with the Notice for Trial, and how much time is needed. Any request for more than one day, you must set a UMC hearing after filing the Notice for Trial.
TEMPORARY RELIEF HEARINGS: Mediation must be complete, and mediation report filed, prior to requesting a hearing. Temporary relief hearings are thirty (30) minutes.
Evidentiary Hearings
Evidentiary hearings cannot be handled remotely. Please contact Judge Miller's office if you desire to schedule an evidentiary hearing. If you believe that your case requires emergency action pursuant to Family Admin. Order 5.203-1/17 you should file the appropriate motion in writing.
If all parties agree, Judge Miller may rule on any motions based on the written pleadings and responses without the necessity of a hearing.
For additional information on court provided digital training resources visit the Circuit's YouTube channel, CourtHelp4U. Court Help 4 U
Request for Special Set Hearing:
Call the Judicial Assistant at 561-355-3028 for available dates and times.
Please email a copy of Notice for Trial to the divisional in box ( If you do not copy us with the trial notice, the Court is unaware it was filed.
FOR ALL REMOTE HEARINGS: All proposed Exhibits must be PREMARKED (including Exhibit Number, Case Style and Number, Date of Hearing, Judge's Name) and provided to the Court AT LEAST THREE BUSINESS DAYS prior to the hearing via U.S. mail or the Main County Courthouse drop box. If Exhibits are not received by the Court at least three business days prior to the hearing in compliance with the above requirements, they will not be accepted or considered. Emailed exhibits will not be accepted or considered.
All in person hearings and trials: please bring pre-marked exhibits with you.
Local Rule 4
Strict compliance with amended Local Rule 4. Prior to setting a matter on the motion calendar, the party or counsel noticing the motion shall attempt to resolve the matter and shall certify the good faith attempt to resolve. See amended Local Rule 4.
Self-Represented Parties (Pro Se)
If you are a self-represented pro se party (with no attorney), you must contact the Family Court Case Manager.
Do Not Send Letters, Emails or Notes To The Court
The Court does not act on letters, notes or emails sent by either party. The Court acts on petitions or motions properly filed with the Clerk of the Court. File the appropriate petition or motion with the Clerk of the Court, send a copy to the opposing side and a courtesy copy to the Court in order for requests to be addressed by the Court. All documents emailed to the Court must state that they were emailed to the opposing side in the same email or they will be returned as ex parte communication.
QDRO (Qualified Domestic Relations Order)
Attorneys/Pro Se Litigants are to file a QDRO Motion of Entry with the Plan Administrator pre-approval letter. In the event the Plan Administrator do not require a pre-approval, a letter will need to state this fact and filed with the motion.
FOR ATTORNEYS ALL PROPOSED ORDERS WILL NEED TO BE UPLOADED VIA THE OLS (Online Scheduling System) after the Motion and Letter of Plan Pre-approval have been filed to the case.
PRO SE LITIGANTS WIL NEED TO MAIL THE DOCUMENTS INTO THE COURT after the Motion and Letter of Plan Pre-approval have been filed to the case.
Personal Correspondence
Our office CANNOT and WILL NOT accept any personal correspondence on a case. If you have a matter to bring to the Court's attention, please file the proper Motion with the Clerk of Court.
Interpreters are provided by the Court for Incapacity, Domestic Violence, Dating Violence and Repeat Violence ONLY. For all other hearings, it is the responsibility of the party needing an interpreter to bring to Court an interpreter who is certified, language skilled, provisionally approved or who is registered with the Office of State Court Administrator as required by Rule 2.560 and Rule 2.565 of the Florida Rules of Judicial Administration. For further information or for assistance locating an interpreter, please visit our Court Interpreters page.