S Divisional Instructions

Arraignments, Case Dispositions and Status Checks will take place on Zoom or in person.

This Court does not have a preference as long as Defendants are present on either Zoom or in person, unless a Waiver of Appearance (see A.O. 12.515.2) is properly filed with the Court in advance. 

For those on Zoom:


Meeting Link: Zoom Link

Meeting ID: 842 0770 8006
  • US Toll-free 877-853-5257
  • US Toll-free 888-475-4499

Local Rule 4

The Court expects strict compliance with Local Rule 4.

Prior to setting a matter for hearing, the party or attorney noticing the motion/matter shall attempt to resolve the matter and shall certify the good faith attempt to resolve. All notices of hearing for matters scheduled for hearing shall set forth directly above the signature block, the below certifications without modification and shall designate with a check mark or other marking the specific certification which applies:

Counsel has conferred with all parties who may be affected by the relief sought in the motion in a good faith effort to resolve or narrow the issues raised.

PROPOSED AGREED ORDERS shall be submitted via the Divisional Portal.  Please send an email to notify the Court there has been a submission.  

Motions must be filed with the Clerk of Court before contacting the Judicial Assistant for scheduling.  Also, the party noticing the hearing shall certify on the Notice of Hearing that a good faith attempt was made to resolve the matter prior to setting it for hearing.  This is pursuant to Local Rule 4.

All matters set for hearing shall be set through the Judicial Assistant, NOT through the Clerk of Court. Send an email to the judicial assistant, with the NAME OF DEFENDANT and CASE NUMBER in the subject line. Please attach any motion and copy all parties on the email. You may email the CAD Box or the Judicial Assistant directly. CAD-DivisionS@pbcgov.org

All evidentiary hearings require the parties to appear in person. This includes bond hearings, motions to suppress, and any hearing where evidence is received by the Court by way of testimony, or otherwise.

Any motion requiring 15 minutes or more should be submitted to the Court with a cover letter stating the length of time requested for hearing. The Judge will review the motion and the Judicial Assistant will provide available dates. The parties should coordinate those dates with opposing counsel. ONCE A DATE IS AGREED UPON, THE MOVING PARTY SHOULD EMAIL THE JUDICIAL ASSISTANT TO SET THE DATE ON THE COURT’S CALENDAR. All motions must be filed with the Clerk of Court prior to contacting the Judicial Assistant for hearing times.

The Court greatly appreciates written responses on specially set hearings, with caselaw/authority provided 48 hours prior to the hearing, with courtesy copies provided via email to the Judicial Assistant directly or the CAD Box.  If the documentation is over 40 pages, please deliver hard copies in a binder, labeled and tabbed appropriately.

The Court does not set Calendar Calls. Generally, after an initial Case Disposition hearing after Arraignment, the case will be set for a Plea Conference or for Trial.