X Divisional News

Regarding In-Person vs. ZOOM hearings

All evidentiary hearings require the parties to appear in person. This includes bond hearings, motions to suppress, and any hearing where evidence is received by the Court by way of testimony, or otherwise.

Only Case Disposition, Initial Case Conferences, Status Checks or State to File Hearings may take place on Zoom.

For Those Attending Court Via Zoom:

  1. Please label yourself with your first and last name.
  2. Please be patient and remain on MUTE until you are called upon by the Judge.
  3. Please refrain from driving, walking around, smoking, or laying in bed while on Zoom. You must be stationary and in a quiet place during your hearing.
  4. Please dress appropriately for Zoom, just as you would for an in-person Court hearing.
  5. Your video must be active when addressing the Court. In order to fully participate in your Court hearing via Zoom, please ensure your device has both audio and video capabilities prior to your Court date.
  6. Please conduct yourself on Zoom as though you were in-person for your Court hearing.

Zoom Meeting Information

Meeting Link: Zoom Link

Meeting ID: 890 4412 8953

Dial by your location:

  • US Toll-free: 877-853-5257
  • US Toll-free: 888-475-4499