Civil Differentiated Case Management Forms & Orders

Administrative Order 3.110 sets forth the Civil Differentiated Case Management plan for the Fifteenth Judicial Circuit. All newly filed cases in the Circuit Civil or County Civil divisions not exempt under the Administrative Order will be issued a Uniform Differentiated Case Management Order and Order Setting Trial ("DCMO"), to be served with the summons and complaint/petition. Cases pending prior to January 1, 2025 will be expected to comply with any current DCMO or trial order. If there is not a current DCMO for an eligible case, a new DCMO will be issued by the Court.

The DCMO will assign the case to a track, schedule Calendar Call and assign a trial period. The case is expected to be trial ready by the Calendar Call date set forth in the DCMO.

The tracks are General, Streamlined, Expedited, and Complex.

  • General Track
    Circuit Civil Jury cases will be assigned to the General Track with deadlines established to ensure cases are disposed of within 18 months after service on the last defendant or 120 days after commencement of the action.
  • Streamlined Track
    Circuit Civil Non-Jury cases will be assigned to the Streamlined Track with deadlines established to ensure cases are disposed of within 12 months after service on the last defendant or 120 days after commencement of the action.

    County Civil Jury cases will be assigned to the Streamlined Track with deadlines established to ensure cases are disposed of within 12 months after service on the last defendant or 120 days after commencement of the action.

  • Expedited Track
    Circuit Civil Foreclosure cases will be assigned to the Expedited Track with deadlines established to ensure cases are disposed of within 12 months after service on the last defendant or 120 days after commencement of the action.

    County Civil Non-Jury cases will be assigned to the Expedited Track and scheduled for disposition within 9 months from the date of filing.

The Complex Track contemplates disposition within 30 months after service on the last defendant or 120 days after commencement of the action. Cases will not be automatically designated as Complex; a motion and a court order will be required.

Examples of the different DCMO's are below:

Circuit Civil

General Track

Uniform Differentiated Case Management Order and Order Setting Trial (DCMGJT)

Streamlined Track

Uniform Differentiated Case Management Order and Order Setting Trial (DCMSNT)

Expedited Track

Uniform Differentiated Case Management Order and Order Setting Trial (DCMENT)

County Civil

Streamlined Track

Uniform Differentiated Case Management Order and Order Setting Trial (DCMSJT)

Expedited Track

Uniform Differentiated Case Management Order and Order Setting Trial (DCMET)

Extensions of deadlines other than trial/Calendar Call: The parties must strictly follow Rule 1.200(e) and Administrative Order 3.110 (as amended) when filing motions for extension or modification. Parties may submit an agreed order to extend a deadline only if the extension does not affect the trial/Calendar Call date or the ability to comply with the remaining dates in the case management order.

Motions to continue trial: Motions to continue trial must comply with Rule 1.460, are disfavored and should rarely be granted and then only upon good cause. The parties must promptly set a DCM conference through online scheduling (OLS) on either the Court's 1) DCM – Case Management Conference docket; or 2) Uniform Motion Calendar, in accordance with Divisional Instructions. Parties are not permitted to submit an agreed order.

For more detailed information, please review Administrative Order 3.110.

If after review of the posted documents, you have any questions, please e-mail