Digital Evidence Portal FAQs

What is the "Digital Evidence Portal"?
The Digital Evidence Portal is an application designed by the judges of the Fifteenth Judicial Circuit to allow for the remote uploading, viewing, ruling and processing of electronically submitted evidence exhibits.
How Can I Access the Digital Evidence Portal?
Log into the Online Services (OLS) system as an attorney or pro se

This link is also available via the steps below:

  • Visit;
  • Scroll to Circuit Web Applications;
  • Select View All Web Applications;
  • Select Online Services Home.
Are Training Resources available for the Digital Evidence Portal?
  • Brief training tutorials are available at the Circuit's YouTube Channel, CourtHelp4U
  • This link is available by visiting the's website and clicking on the YouTube logo at the bottom of the webpage.
What if I don't have an OLS user account?
  • Visit the Circuit's YouTube channel for video assistance on how to register a new user.
  • Follow the instructions provided in the video.
  • To upload evidence you must be logged in as an attorney on the case.
What is a "Physical Evidence Placeholder"?
  • The Digital Evidence Portal uses the information uploaded to number exhibits and generate the exhibit list filed with the clerk.

    To ensure physical evidence is numbered correctly, the submitter enters a "placeholder" form describing the physical evidence that will be proffered.

  • When physical evidence will be proffered (e.g. an original will, or a bicycle) the form is used.
  • Please consult the judge/magistrates divisional instructions webpage for direction regarding the actual transmission of physical evidence.
Do I Need to Pre-Stamp My Exhibits Before Uploading Them?
No. Exhibits that are admitted into evidence are automatically stamped by the application.
Are There Any Formatting Requirements for Uploaded Exhibits?
  • Each exhibit's first page must have "blank space" sufficient to hold he court's evidence stamp.
  • Exhibits can be uploaded in either .pdf or .jpeg format.
  • Upload editable copies of document only. Uploaded documents cannot be encrypted, e.g. with password or signature certificate. The document must be editable to allow for electronic stamping of document.
Should I Include the Exhibit Number in the Exhibit Title?
No. The system will automatically assign the exhibit number, which will be used by the court to reference the exhibit during the hearing. The assigned number is clearly visible to all parties using the evidence portal.
Can Opposing Counsel(s) See My Exhibits?
Yes. Exhibits uploaded are available for parties to the case that are authenticated to OLS to view.
I am an Attorney Representing All Defendants on a Case. Do I Need to Upload a Copy of a Shared Exhibit for Each Defendant?
  • No. for multi plaintiff/defendant cases the first selection in the party drop down list will be "ALL."
  • It is not necessary to select which "side" as the system knows whether your login is associated with the plaintiff or defendant.
I am an Attorney Representing One of Multiple Defendants in a Case. Can I Upload Evidence Just For My Client?
Yes. Select the appropriate party from the drop down list.
Can I Delete an Exhibit?
  • Yes, but only until the court has stamped or admitted the exhibit.
  • Deleted exhibits will remain on the numbered list of exhibits, but without the hyperlink necessary to open a document for viewing.
Why Can't I See Exhibits When I log in?
  • First, confirm that the exhibits in question have in fact been uploaded!
  • Next, confirm you are logged in as an attorney to the case.
Will Deleting an Exhibit Affect the Exhibit Numbering Scheme?
No. to avoid confusion, a deleted exhibit retains the exhibit number that was assigned to it when it was uploaded.
How Should I Number Exhibits?
At present, the system does not allow exhibits to be split. Exhibits should be numbered with this in mind.
What if Only Part of My Exhibit is Admitted?
The system's current functionality requires the admitted part to be uploaded separately.
What is the Purpose of the Replace Evidence Button?
  • In the event an exhibit requires replacement, the party can upload a replacement version in the "replacement" queue.
  • After review, the judge/magistrate can replace the current exhibit with the new one. The replacement will retain the exhibit number of the replaced exhibit.
  • Examples necessitating this feature include information that should have been redacted but wasn't, or a series of photographs proffered as one exhibit, but only a part of the series is admitted.
I Logged Into OLS and Entered the Correct Case Number, but do not see the Digital Evidence Portal Button?
Divisional participation in the Digital Evidence Portal is at the discretion of each judge/magistrate. If the Evidence button is not listed as an option after the case number is entered, consult the judge/magistrate's divisional instructions to confirm participation.
Who Can I Contact if I Encounter Technical Difficulty?
  • For operational questions please consult the judge/magistrate's divisional instructions.
  • For technical issues please write Due to the volume of requests and our limited staffing, all requests must be submitted via email.
  • For additional training information, visit our CourtHelp4U channel.