Criminal Division Support

The criminal division support staff assist the judges by monitoring the felony and misdemeanor caseloads, including Veterans' Court. A felony is any crime punishable by more than one (1) year in state prison. Felony offenses include: murder, sexual offenses, robbery, burglary, theft, forgery, fraud, crimes against persons, worthless checks over one hundred and fifty dollars ($150.00), crimes against property, and drug related crimes, etc.

Criminal Division Staff
Position Name Phone Location
Mental Health Manager Paulina Pasquarelli (561) 355-1537 Main Judicial Complex
Court Analyst Daniel Svec (561) 355-6232 Main Judicial Complex
Criminal Court Program Specialist Vacant (561) 355-1656 Main Judicial Complex
Domestic Violence Case Manager Eric Thompson (561) 355-6316 Main Judicial Complex

Program Links & Additional Information

Alternative Sanctions Program for Felony Probationers

The Alternative Sanctions Program is limited to technical violations for nonviolent probationers. This program does not apply to those probationers with lengthy or violent criminal history (including sex offenders) new arrest, absconders, violation of "no contact" conditions. Probationers are referred to the program in accordance with Administrative Order 4.411  pdf. This program has the potential to offer several benefits, such as: reduction of court hearings for technical violations (along with associated resources), reduction of jail population, and it allows the probationer to remain engaged in employment, school, etc while complying with the imposed sanction(s).

Reentry Program

This program's mission is to reduce crime by implementing a seamless plan of services and supervision developed with each ex-offender, delivered through state and local collaboration, from the time of their entry into prison through their transition, reintegration and aftercare in the community. Please visit the Criminal Justice Commission website for more information.

Thinking for a Change

This program is designed to assist offenders by combining cognitive restructuring theory with cognitive skills theory to create an innovative and integrated curriculum designed to help individuals in the adult justice system take control of their lives by taking control of their thinking. The Fifteenth Circuit collaborated with the Department of Corrections to implement this program through probation as a voluntary option. See Administrative Order 4.410-9/12 for additional details.

Veterans' Court

Michelle Cruz
Operations Manager
Alexis Bernal Garcia
Administrative Assistant